Ode to a Coach

They arise before the sun has even contemplated doing so and begin winding through Bridger Canyon Road, the all too familiar asphalt they’ve driven hundreds of hours on. Carrying with them a piping hot thermos, their BSF assigned equipment, and a desire to raise the next generation of alpine ski racers in Bozeman, Montana.  

My series following the BSF Alpine coaching staff captures the essence of what it means to be a coach for their organization. The endless hours poured out for their athletes, the self-sacrifice, and the support system built for young athletes racing more than just a course. The way their athletes view them as more than just a skier, but as a role model – perhaps even their hero. Yes, it’s a heavy weight to shoulder, between the gross underpay, sleep deprivation, and mental fortitude - but this staff does exactly that - with incredible joy and incredible devotion to their athletes.


Salty Bones