In the fall of 2019 Mitch Lukes, an impressive young athlete close to a professional career in park skiing, lay in the ICU of Whistler Hospital. He had been medically induced into a coma after a terrifying crash at the Whistler Bike Park just hours before. He awoke six days later with titanium plates and screws holding his femur and hip together, a severe TBI, and the odds stacked impossibly high against him.
He was eventually transported back to Craig Hospital, near his home in Parker, Colorado. Craig is world renowned for their neurorehabilitation and research specializing in spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury rehabilitation and research. They gave Mitch impossible odds of ever being able to walk again. Let alone mountain bike or ski.
I was skiing with Mitch in the Winter of 2022 and got to tackle hug him after he stomped a backflip off a 30 foot cliff in the backcountry of Whitefish, Montana. His story is unlikely, many even said Impossible. Mitch strives to make everything possible. I’ve had the absolute privilege to work with Mitch and share his story through this series.